
Monday 14 July 2014

How to Kick College's Butt.

1.   Use a planner: I can't even begin to tell you how it helps to have somewhere to write down everything that you have to do. It's good to help you remember far off due dates and remember all tasks given to you in the day.

2.   Keep a calendar in your phone and on your wall: Especially if you're a visual person like me, a calendar is a great idea. I have an erasable calendar board that's on the back of my door, and I also have one in my planner and on my phone. If you constantly see future appointments, test dates etc then it avoids unfortunate mishaps where you forget about tests/assignments.

3.   Read ahead: Usually in college you get your syllabus at the beginning of the term. When you get it you should hold on to it and look ahead at what you're going to be doing. If you read over the topic the day or week before your tutor goes over it you'll be able to grasp it a lot faster in class and be able to ask questions during class time.

4.   Start assignments when you get them:  If you have a lot of different classes, chances are you'll get at least one assignment or test from each... if you have eight classes very soon you could end up with 6 assignments and 2 tests all due around the same time and that pile up is enough to give you nightmares. At least start & plan out what you have to do and when you can fit in an hour or half hour of work on it as soon as possible after receiving it.

5.   Take breaks: If you don't take breaks in between studying ( every hour take 10 minutes, after 3 hours take a longer break ) then your brain can't process information at it's full capacity. If you start all work early then you can afford to take breaks.

Don't be like these Chinese students who tie their hair to the ceiling in order to stay awake and study all night!

6.   Take outline notes while you read: Reading from a textbook or lecture notes can be really boring so to hold your attention and to maximize how much information you remember when you read ahead take notes of the important points,definitions, dates or information as you read them

7.   Don't be afraid to go to your teachers: Tutors can seem scary but often when you go to them they're really helpful. Usually they have office hours but  you can ask questions in & after class.

8.   Keep your school things well organized: The binder method is really great for keeping all your things together, and it's the one I use personally. It's a good idea to keep all the school documents you get together in one place so you have all your material when you have to revise for exams.

9.   Make a friend in every class so you don't miss notes: Teachers often don't help you when you were absent from class and make no effort to get the notes, so if for some reason you need to miss a class it's good to get the notes that you missed from a class mate.

10.  Review all your material that you learned at the end of each week: Exams come around way before you know it so it's a good idea that you at least take a half hour to review the material you covered that week while you have the time, and you'll remember way more when exams roll around.

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