
Tuesday 9 September 2014

3 Reasons You Should Be More Positive Right Now

Before you get all cynical about having a positive attitude; ask yourself a question -Did being pessimistic ever make a bad situation better?

While I do believe in assessing a situation and taking note of  both the good and the bad aspects, I don't believe that expecting the worst is the helpful to anyone. Here is why you should always remain positive and my top tips on how to do that!

How Positive Thinking Can Change Your Life:
- Reduce Anxiety
- Reduce Depression and Lessen thoughts of suicide
- Improve Productivity

3 Reasons You Should Be Positive;
- You're alive: Even if you wish you weren't right now, you're alive and life is a gift. 
- There's beauty ALL around you: if you think life's all grey then you're simply not looking hard enough.
- It can only get better: whatever your situation is, you can always improve it in some small way. If you're at rock bottom the only way you can go is up.

How to Maintain Your Positive Attitude in Negative Times
- Choose 5 of your favorite positive mantras that really speak to you. Write them on post-its, display them as your phone lock screen, your desktop background and write it A LOT. I personally like to keep a pinterest board of motivating quotes , I choose my favorites and rotate them as my desktop backgrounds.
- Take up a hobby such as running or yoga that helps you to clear your head of all negativity and focus on your breathing. Also if you feel stressed practice deep breathing ( it helps!)
- Journal; Writing your feelings down can really help you assess them; It gives you perspective. You can really see what emotions you were having at any given time and work through them.
-Surround yourself with positive people: If you surround yourself with people who feed you with negative comments then it can be a real damper on your mood. Surrounding yourself with people who encourage you and make you feel positive and happy about yourself is a sure-fire way to keep up a good mood.



  1. You are so right! This is something I've been learning lately. I've really been focusing on being positive and thankful. It has made such a difference in my life!

    1. I am so glad you are seeing a positive change in your life Jenna!

  2. Some wise ideas there. I think a gratitude journal is a big help. There is even an I Phone app called "Happier" to help you make a digital record now.

    1. everything is going digital these days. whichever makes it most likely that you'll use it you should go for! I'm more of a pen and paper girl myself though.

  3. These are great tips. I've been so down lately and have begun going on a daily walk with my son, it really helps to clear the mind and have a positive outlook.

    1. Getting out the house can be a major help - especially if you're cooped up with the kids all day. You can notice so many beautiful things around you if you go outside!

  4. I swear being a runner and has turned away all negativity in my life! It's always the right choice when I need to clear my head!

    1. Its amazing what a good sweat can do for your mood. It's much cheaper and more effective than therapy lol

  5. I always say that I hate negativity but then I find myself being negative! Love this tips and I will have to remember these next time I am being too hard on myself :)

    1. I think we can all end up being pretty negative at times but as long as you realize and change that then it's all good!

  6. Great tips! I know I need to be more positive. I'm trying ;)

  7. Great post! I know I need to not be such a negative nancy!

  8. So true. Having a positive outlooks can make all the difference.

    1. I agree! Even if you're in a negative situation it doesn't mean you should just wallow in it! Being positive can help get you out of whatever negative situation you're in.

  9. Positive thinking attracts positive actions - I try and be as positive as possible. I read The Secret and it changed my outlook on life!

    Katie <3

    1. I've not read it but I did watch a documentary something like that. You definitely see whatever you give the most attention to coming back at you tenfold. Like if I'm negative or judgemental I see a lot more of that in my life , so positivity has made a huge difference!

  10. These tips are so very true! Anytime a tough time is facing me I think about all of the things I am grateful for! We are alive, and hopefully everyone here is in great health along with their families! Very inspiring post.

    1. I hope so too! It's wiser to focus on all we have than all we don't have.

  11. So very true! I need to work on being more positive. Thanks for the reminder :)

  12. LOVE this post! Everyone needs a little nudge sometimes to remember how lucky they are!

  13. Surrounding yourself with positive people is a big one!

    1. I definitely noticed a big difference in my life after cutting out some of the negative influences, that's for sure!!

  14. I love this! So many good reasons to be positive and think happy thoughts!

    1. Thank you! We all have a lot to be grateful for and we don't realize it!

  15. I try to be a very positive person since being negative really gets me no where!

  16. I'm a huge huge fan of positive thinking. I could go way into detail but these tips are all a great place to start. :)

    1. Positive thinking is just THE best. I can't express how it's changed my life.

  17. i have always thought of myself as a positive person but they are times i could do with your tips so thanks

    1. We all get down in the dumps sometimes and need a little outside motivation! Glad to help!

  18. Yes, yes and yes! This is my message I am shouting to everyone who will listen. What we focus on grows. If we focus on the negative, pretty soon that is all you will see. Choose the light of positivity instead.

    1. Yes!! The grass is definitely greener where you water it. If you focus on the 'weeds' or negative things in your life they will multiply because they are getting all of your attention. If you tend to your 'garden' or life on the whole then the whole thing will flourish because of the attention you pay it!

  19. I need to remember that things can always get better. I tend to focus on how bad things are instead of how much they can change. Thank you for this post!

    1. Don't be a 'negative nancy' it honestly doesn't help things in the long run. I've found if you accept that bad things happen and try to make the most of whatever you've got then you find yourself in less negative situations overall and you can cope better when you are in a negative situation as well - it doesn't get you down as much.

  20. It is so easy to get lost in the daily and overlook what should bring happiness to our eyes. Thank you for this post and for highlighting the things that should highlight our lives.

  21. I truly believe that our life and our circumstances depend 99% on our outlook and 1% on some objective reality. :)

    1. Yes!! It's all about how you deal with what life throws at you. Being positive is like arming yourself for any possibility!

  22. I love this! Not just for myself, but for my clients at work! Thank you thank you :)

  23. I agree! Especially with having a hobby. Nothing gets me in a worse mood than being alone with my negative thoughts for too long. Having an outlet for my mind/body is so helpful!

    1. Yes! Blogging is great and so is physical exercise I find both really help me take my mind off things when they get sucky!

  24. I love this! I try my hardest to be positive as often as I can. It definitely helps yourself more than you think it could!

    1. Yeah because the more positive you are, the less potential negativity there is in your life.. it doesn't make sense being negative all the time!


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