Welcome to the first week of my new mini-series on the blog.
Cup of Inspiration will be a series of short interviews with a variety of different and professionals ; bloggers,designers & entrepreneurs! Stick around and see what inspiration and tips you can find.
Today we're sitting down with Alisha, of The Alisha Nicole. She's a the owner of a small online jewelry business and blog & branding consultant.
[ the woman behind the blog ] |
Have you always been a 'creative'?
I have! As a child I was always obsessed with different crafts, sketching and writing. I was that kid who wanted a new notebook and markers instead of a Barbie. At one point I actually thought I would become a writer when I got older.
When & why did you decide to start your blog and at what point did you decide to turn into a business?
I started my blog a little over a year ago. I was in a really strange place in life and I needed somewhere to vent and share my journey as a small business owner. It wasn't until I learned about all of the different opportunities out there for bloggers that I decided to monetize it.
What was the most ‘successful’ moment you’ve experienced through blogging? How did you get there?
Its hard to think of just one, but I have been truly blessed to be interviewed on a few amazing websites! They all came from simply networking and building relationships with others in my field. You never know where a simple email or tweet can lead you!
Where do you find your inspiration from?
My inspiration comes from everywhere! I would say that I'm mostly inspired by music and reading about how the entrepreneurs I admire made it.
What motivates you to keep doing what you do?
My mom has always been my number one supporter, so a lot of my motivation comes from wanting to one day support her like she has always supported me. Also the fear of having to work for someone else again definitely keeps me motivated!
How do you stay on top of your design & branding/consultation businesses as well as blogging and social media?
I don't sleep! No but I make sure I have everything written down. My memory is terrible so I HAVE to always keep a to-do list and calendar close to make sure I stay on top of everything. I also try my best to schedule my social media ahead of time so I'm not rushing to do it during the day.
What's you main goal for the next 5 years and how do you plan to achieve it?
My main goal is to expand! I love growth and change so I definitely plan on expanding my shop into more than just jewelry (I'm thinking small home decor and lounge wear for women). I also see myself expanding my consulting services into offering e-courses and workshops! To get there, I plan on networking a lot and getting a better understanding of what my target audience is looking for. Also by slowly introducing new products slowly into the shop.
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[ some of the jewelry available right now in her etsy store ] |
What advice would you give to an aspiring young woman who wishes to become successful in running an online business?
I would say to stay consistent and not to give up! Running any kind of business is hard, but if you are truly passionate about it you can't just let it go! Push through the hard times and celebrate every single success!
This is an awesome series! I'm excited to read more as they come up. Also, Alisha is a boss! Love her outlook and ambition :)