
Monday, 22 September 2014

The Grass Is Greener Where You Water It

Hi i'm aubrey from dreaming about someday. I'm happy to be taking over the blog today.

Life is kind of funny sometimes. Most of us have some kind of idea about how we want life to go. We have plans and hopes and dreams for the future, BUT life rarely goes the way we plan. Life throws curve balls and kinks into our plans. It's so easy to look at other people and think their lives are going exactly the way we want our lives to go. 

It's easy to look over and think the grass is so much greener over there. It's so easy to think of the what ifs and if onlys. The big problem is: that's so dangerous. Comparison is awful! Even if were possible to switch lives with someone, we wouldn't find the grass to be completely green. 

We're all familiar with the expression "the grass is always greener on the other side". so often that seems true. i actually prefer a different but similar expression...

the grass is greener where you water it. *click to tweet*

Like most other people, my life isn't turning out at all how I thought it would, but at the same time it is turning out so much better than I ever planned. I've come to realize, when I nurture and water the life I've been given - rather than lust after the life that I want that it is so much greener than i could have ever imagined.

Thanks so much for having me Jenny. 

You can come find me on social media or on the blog: and follow along as I attempt to water my own grass.


  1. "Life is greener where you water it." SO TRUE!

    -Lindsay from Dearest Darling

  2. I've learned that no matter how green you think the grass is or will be, there is always periods of droughts and floods which wreck havoc on that grass!

  3. Whenever I think the grass is greener, I try to think of something that has ME at an advantage over the other person. Maybe that's harmful thinking, too, but at least not self-hurting.

    Chloe | Wanderlust in the Midwest

  4. Very true! Heading over to check out Aubrey's blog!

  5. what a great quote - i myself had things "planned" out but have been so thrilled with how they have "turned out"

  6. Great reminder! Thanks for sharing your story and great to "meet" you!

  7. This was so simple, yet truly beautiful. I love it!

  8. Very true! I heard something on the radio the other day that really hit me - if you can't be happy where you are, you will never be happy, no matter what your circumstances are.

  9. I love Aubrey, she's such a great person! I love this perspective too, she's always a bright spot and optimistic view!

  10. This is such a great quote. Thanks for giving me something to think about today!

  11. Love the pic with a toy :) made me giggle.

  12. Hi Aubrey, nice to e-meet you! I love your flip flops, and your top. I agree, comparison is a horrible thing to have on your mind. Things can be much worse on the other side of the grass, you just don't see it.

  13. I LOVE this! Is my life where I thought it would right now, no, but it's still so amazing and I know there are great things coming my way <3

  14. I love this post! My boyfriend is constantly telling me that i always think 'the water is bluer in someone else's lagoon'

  15. This is very true. I was talking to my great uncle about hating the town I live in and he said I have to blossom wherever I put my roots down. I feel like this advice is along the same lines.

  16. You are speaking my language here, thanks for the great post!

  17. I love Aubrey! And that is the truest statement ever <3

  18. Sometimes it's the journey! My life is not what I had planned - but I'm loving every minute of it!

  19. I love that saying! Our lives are influenced so much by how we react to things that are thrown at us. We can either be victims of circumstance or we can say, alright, how am I going to make this work? Or make it better? I have to remind myself that a LOT.

  20. Hey I have a post with this title too!! It's so true! I feel like things happen for a reason and things are put in our way for us to grow. Great post. (:

  21. So very true! I just wrote a blog post about this and this is my confirmation :)

  22. That is the best quote ever the grass is greener where you water it.

  23. Oh man, I could not agree more with "the grass is greener where you water it"! Our life is what we make of it.

  24. This is such a great quote. I too think that life is what you make of it and outlook is so important.

  25. Great reminder that we have to nurture what we expect to grow. :)

  26. What a great saying! And I agree totally. We need to take care of the things/people in our life and cherish them.

  27. It is so important that we try and remember this. It is so easy to look at what someone else has and think that would be better than where you are. But what is best for us is what we earn.

  28. Beautiful and so very true! Thank you for sharing ♥

  29. I feel you on that girl. Love the photo too :)

  30. I am definitely going to remember that saying- thank you for sharing this post! I needed that today! :)


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